Phase 1
Learning and Decision Making

The Transition Roadmap is designed to provide CCI leaders and practitioners with the guidance and necessary resources to navigate this transition journey safely and effectively. While being legally compliant and staying true to your identity to see children cared for as an organisation in the context of family and community-based care for the child's best interest.

5 Steps of Phase 1

Step 1.1: Learn the Reasons for Transition: During this step, organisations work to understand the reasons for transition. This includes the academic basis as well as a practical understanding of adult outcomes from institutional care.

Step 1.2: Understand the Legal Framework: During this step, organisations understand the global and national legal framework for the transition. This includes the UNCRC, Kenya Constitution, and the Children Act 2022.

Step 1.3: Key Stakeholder Engagement: During this step, organisations engage with key stakeholders impacted by the transition and gather feedback on the potential decision. The purpose is to inform the decision making process and ensure buy-in through early engagement.

Step 1.4: Decision Making Process: During this step, organisations reflect on their historical decision-making culture and define a healthy process for making the decision to ensure the process is completed efficiently and with a participatory approach.

Step 1.5: Making the Decision: A Statement of Strategic Intent to transition the organisation is drafted, reviewed, and approved by all key decision makers. It is unnecessary to address every question, worry, or risk before making this decision to transition. The next Phase, Preparing for Transition, will ensure that the decision is put into action effectively.

Milestone | Decided to Transition: An organisation has completed Phase 1 once it has decided to transition in the child’s best interest while remaining in compliance with Care Reform, the Children Act 2022, and the National Care Reform Strategy.

Phase 2
Preparing for Transition

Phase 2, known as “Preparing for Transition” is a pivotal period where CCI leaders engage in active collaboration to develop a comprehensive plan for the organisation’s transition to a family and community-based model of care known as a Child Welfare Program or CWP.

5 Steps of Phase 2

Step 2.1: Organisation Assessment: At this step you will take time to understand where you are as an organisation. We will look at the different assessment tools. It is essential to start with an organisational assessment. This helps to understand the organisation's current state and develop a plan for the future. The assessment will then lead to strategic planning.

Step 2.2: Strategic Planning: In strategic planning, you are looking at your vision, mission, & values to ensure they are in alignment with it’s purpose and long-term goals. You will also take a look at your strengths and weaknesses as well as the opportunities and threats that are ahead of your organisation.

Step 2.3: Organisation Planning: Based on the strategic plan, you will begin to look at the organisation as a whole. This process begins with defining your current state, evaluating that current state, and then defining the future state of the organisation.

Step 2.4: Program Planning: Program planning in transition involves evaluating the current programs of an organisation, identifying areas that need improvement, and developing new programs to achieve the organisation's goals during the transition period. In this step, you will define and improve your programs to ensure they are in alignment with the needs and opportunties of your community.

Step 2.5: Transition Planning: Once you reach this step it's time to put together plans, budgets, and activities to ensure a safe and effective transition. An effective transition plan ensures everyone is on the same page and understands when and how changes will be made.

Milestone | Establish Transition Plan: You have achieved this milestone when you have developed strategies, plans, activities, and budgets, in alignment with the Children Act 2022, the National Care Reform Strategy, and other supporting documents. Key stakeholders have reviewed and approved these plans to move forward for implementation.

Phase 3
Implementing the Transition

Phase 3, “Implementing the Transition” is the final phase, where the organisation puts its carefully crafted Phase 2 transition plan into action under the guidance of CCI leaders. The goal is to safely and effectively transition while ensuring the process is in the child’s best interest.

5 Steps of Phase 3

Step 3.1: Employee Development: Employee development typically includes various training and professional development opportunities for social workers, counsellors, caregivers, and management teams. It is important to communicate with the staff during the retraining process and provide them with feedback and support. Additionally, it is good to have regular check-ins with staff to see how they are progressing in their new role and to address any issues or concerns that may arise.

Step 3.2: Piloting and Validation: During the implementation phase of a program, it is essential to conduct both piloting and validation to ensure program success. Piloting involves testing the entire program, but on a small scale, to identify any areas that need improvement. On the other hand, validation entails separately testing key specific aspects of the program to ensure they meet the set standards and criteria. Before implementing the full program, it's important to test, prove, and validate that your program activities are safe and effective.

Step 3.3: Program Implementation: At this point, you will begin full implementation of the new organisational and program designs at scale. All your preparation, planning, and validation proves itself, and the new organisational changes and programs begin fully. There will be reduced risks, issues, and failures if proper preparation, planning, and validation have been completed successfully.

Step 3.4: Monitoring and Evaluation: Although Monitoring and Evaluation should be conducted throughout the entire transition process, at this step that is all that remains: to continue monitoring the performance of programs, evaluating their safety and effectiveness, and gathering lessons learnt to continuously improve program performance.

Milestone | Complete Implementation: The organisation has implemented their transition plan fully, resolved issues or risks that emerged during the implementation, and transitioned from being a Charitable Children's Institution (CCI) to a Child Welfare Program (CWP), prioritising care for children within the context of family and community. The new CWP is now operating in a model that is in alignment with the Children Act 2022, the National Care Reform Strategy, and other supporting documents

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the purpose of the Transition Roadmap?
What are the main phases of the Transition Roadmap?
What key steps are involved in Phase 1: Learning and Decision-Making?
How does the Transition Roadmap ensure the transition is safe for children?
What support is available for employees during the transition?

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